I Really Want to Know More About Jesus

All I can say is that God is awesome!  His power is incredible!   How I got to have a front row seat, is beyond me…I’m just glad to be here!  Let me give you the highlight reel:

  • Our house guest today was floored, astounded (insert any other appropriate word here), because she realized late this afternoon that she had not had a cigarette in over 30 hours, and she had not even had the craving for one.
  • Today she was watching a video series of the Gospel of John that we have.  She was holding up the box saying:  “I really want to know more about Jesus.”   I told her that He wanted her to know more about Him also.   Startled, she looked at us and said:  “Did I say that out loud?”   The overflow of a heart touched by the love of Jesus is a beautiful thing.
  • Tonight she asked Carol to read scripture to her as she went to sleep

We also felt her pain as she talked to loved ones and learned that her daughter had recently spent time in jail.   The enemy tried to overwhelm her with hopelessness, but the Lord brought comfort through her tears.  I challenged her to be the demonstration to her children of how God can turn a person’s life around.

Tomorrow I will be meeting with two fellow ministers from the area to discuss how our ministry neighborhood can be set free by Jesus, and how He wants to use us in that process.

Saying Goodbye

Tonight I was helping to load a moving truck and for once it was not my own.   This time, I was helping a lady who has been apart of our ministry since we arrived in Corpus Christi.   She had the opportunity to retire and move closer to family in Louisiana and so today we loaded her home into a 26′ U-Haul and savored a few final moments of Christian fellowship with one another.

The Lord again showed Himself faithful today, as I had a small commission check arrive from my financial advisory business, enough to pay two bills.    This evening a friend and his family we hadn’t seen in a number of months showed up where we were helping load the moving truck and handed my wife and I a gift that had been impressed on his heart.   The Lord is showing us daily that if we will “seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness,” that all of our needs will be met.

At Least the Rent is Paid

Today was another day of seeing God’s amazing provisions at work.  We woke up this morning unsure of whether or not we would be able to pay the rent and God provided.   There are still needs that are before Him in prayer, but hey at least we can continue to enjoy the provision of a home.

Over the past few days the Lord has been giving me a vision for South Bluff Park and the neighborhood in which Simplicity is located.   I had the opportunity to share these thoughts with a like minded acquaintance and his eyes lit up as we talked.   

The principles of the vision are pretty “simple”…imagine that.   First and foremost is the need to live out authentic Christian community in front of the neighborhood.  My thoughts are gravitating towards weekly worship in the park, led by a variety of churches.   Each week would conclude with a meal and then care and maintenance of the park.

The second part of this vision is revitalization of the area through volunteerism.   My thoughts here are to join with the city to form an enterprise zone.  Any business that is willing to located in this part of town would be offered tax incentives and volunteer help for cleaning, painting, sheet rock, etc… by local church volunteers.

These thoughts are very much in their infancy, but the Lord gave me an example to pattern after when I was in Pittsburgh, through the ministry of John Stanley and the Uncommon Grounds Cafe.

The weekend in review

Yesterday several of us returned to South Bluff Park.  The need to return for more ministry in this park was laid heavily on the heart of one of our ladies.   She ended up being ill and unable to make it, but she lovingly prepared sandwiches for the hungry wanderers who frequent the area.   Others who participated provided chips, drinks and a desire to let Christ be seen in their lives.

Our time in the park was a time of contrast.   We met and prayed with folks like Adam, Will, Smiley and Jenny.   Each one with a unique story.   As we were praying and serving one group of people, 100 yards away another group actively utilized the men’s restroom for illicit activities that involved a steady stream of customers.   As we took note of the contrast, we asked the Lord to pierce the darkness with the light of His love.

Yesterday was also a day of provisions for my family.   A check was received that will allow us to pay one or two bills.  Money was also received that covered the cost of a month’s supply of my medications.   When we returned home an envelope was found in our mailbox with the following words:  “You have been on my mind lately and I felt that you might need this.”  Inside the envelope was a gift card to a local grocery store.     Last night we welcomed friends into our home to celebrate with us our ability to call a place home after 2 1/2 years.   The provisions for the meal came from friends and the fish caught on our wedding anniversary.  At the end of the night we were blessed with our latest need…toothpaste and an additional package of toilet paper.

Today during our Sunday worship gathering, we were treated to the gift of music as the Holy Spirit led us through songs about God’s faithfulness and the firm foundation of His presence.   He allowed us to sing a new song that a couple of teenagers had written after a church camp nearly 6 years ago.   The Lord’s presence was strongly felt throughout the morning.

This afternoon, I received a call from a man in Rockport.  He had seen our ad on Craigslist for the house church we are working to launch on Padre Island.   This man has worshiped in a house setting since 1971 and recently moved to Rockport.  He and I agreed to work together with Holy Spirit’s guidance to form a group in his home.

Through all of these things the Lord has continued to affirm the decisions made on Wednesday.  My efforts of laying a financial foundation had caused me to neglect the very call that they were meant to support.   The Lord is helping me to define a proper balance in my life.   The work of the Kingdom is much to0 important and the time is much too short.   This week I will be seeking to further clarify God’s balance for vocation and ministry.

The journey of faith is a crescendo as the house payment is due in two days and there are still bills in arrears and needing to be paid.   The lesson of this past week has been the power of God to maintain joy and peace even when circumstances are not in your favor.   I find that this critical place is refining me in ways that can only be described as tremendous.

My late friend Daniel Trickey made a sign for me nearly a decade ago that has hung in my office ever since.   The sign simply says “Tumultuous to Tremendous.”

God even cares about toilet paper

Ok, so God has us on an incredible faith walk at the moment.   Unpaid bills, half empty cupboard, no clear answers…just faith in daily doses.   The most powerful thing that has been visible thus far is the unshakeable joy and peace that Carol and I have.

Last night when Mike and Kim were over for Organic Group they both commented on the night and day contrast in us compared to our anxiety levels when our housing was up in the air in late January.   They said we were almost like different people from who were just 60 days or so ago.   This in itself was a huge answer to prayer.  I had asked God, to change me, even if you don’t change my circumstances.   I want to be “ok” no matter what my circumstances say.

For the past week or so, we have had less than $10 to our name.   Today we were down to $4 and out of toilet paper, kleenex and anything else that could be used on the daily necessities of the human digestive system.   We were also down to our last package of meat.

This morning as Carol and I prayed, I made a specific prayer for toilet paper along with the other needs in our life.  This morning we received a call from one of the ladies in our church who is moving next week.  She had a refrigerator full of food she needed to give away before she moves.   Later in the afternoon another friend called with a supply of groceries for us.   Not only did God provide basic staples in these provisions, but He even provided the kid’s favorite brand of macaroni and cheese.

Along with the groceries, my friend gave Carol $20.  This $20 was just enough to buy toilet paper, dishwashing soap, trash bags, paper plates and styrofoam cups.   This provision met the basic needs we have for the next 24 hours.

I still don’t know how God will choose to provide for those things that are currently past due, but I know if He cares about toilet paper, He also cares about our financial obligations.

The Wonderful Ways of God

Today my business partner and I met with the factory rep for the Spinner II product that his company sells.   My business partner had asked me at the end of last week if I would change my relationship from that of a consultant to that of a key player in the company.   He and I share the same vision of using commerce as a means of bringing Christ into the market place and furthering the ministry work of God’s kingdom.

I shared with him, that my concern was the same as with my own companies…I can see the future potential, but what do I do to pay today’s expenses.   At that moment my friend said, “I meant to tell you I’m going to pay you the X dollars you need each month to make ends meet.”  I asked him if we could stop right there and I expressed my gratitude to the Lord for His glorious provisions.

I taught Sunday on Jesus feeding the 5,000.  As part of the teaching I talked about the need to look for the places that God is bringing order to the chaos of our circumstances.   For example Jesus instructed the crowd to be seated, but then he had them divided into groups of 50 and 100.   Jesus was bringing order to the chaos as he brought the miracle of the feeding into full view.

I have been watching the Lord bring order to my friend’s business for the past 3 months and have had a strong sense that we were about to see an amazing move of God in it.   Today I am even more convinced that the hand of God will be unmistakable in the days to come.  The Lord has been preparing me this week by having me study Gideon once again.  Gideon was addressed by the Angel of the Lord as a “Mighty Warrior.”   This title was not an accurate description of Gideon at that moment in time, but instead described the man God would transform him into.

The molding of this journey has been difficult, but the crucible is a place of refinement for the fulfilling of our God given purpose.

Christmas Eve Reflections

For the past decade, I have always conducted a candlelight Christmas Eve service at the church.   This services were  usually filled with church members and their families.  Christmas carols were sung and the account of Jesus’ birth was told.

This year the Lord led me in a different direction.  During our first visit to South Bluff Park, I saw so many who had no family to call their own; no place that they could truly call home; no one who took an interest in their life.  Mike and I talked, both feeling that we should be in the park once again on Christmas Eve, bringing the tangible love of Christ through the body of Christ.

This afternoon we fired up two barbecue pits in the center of the park and commenced to cooking 64 hamburgers and 56 hot dogs.   Over a two hour period we fed men, women and children, even making deliveries to a few nearby shut-ins.  Some of those we fed had not eaten yet today and possibly even yesterday.   For those who have been hidden from the light of Christ’s love, there is a magnetic quality to their encounters with His presence.  Mike and I see that we are beginning to earn the trust of those around the neighborhood and we believe it is only a matter of time before we are allowed to begin quenching the spiritual hunger as well.

Tonight about 10:15, my phone rang.  It was one of the men I had ministered to last Thursday.  He was not able to get lodging at one of the shelters, because he didn’t have any identification.  He had arranged to stay with a co-worker in Flour Bluff, but needed a ride there.   I was the only person he could think of and he still had my business card.   As he and I drove, the evidence of God’s love for him was evident.  He had already found new work and had been able to work three days this week.   He asked if after he got back on his feet, he could hitch a ride with me to church…I told him that he didn’t even need to be back on his feet for that to happen.

As I left him at his co-worker’s home, I found myself overcome by two deep seated emotions.   One was sadness.  It saddens me in a nation of opportunity, that so many are in such bondage.  Make no mistake, many are there because of their own decisions.; yet, I know that Jesus came to seek and save those who are lost.   I grieved tonight to see so many without hope, without life, without the fullness of Christ.   On the other hand, I was equally moved by joy and gratefulness.   As I cooked hamburgers and hot dogs today, I was surrounded by my wife and children.  I was joined by Mike, Kim and their daughter Brooke.   I knew I would leave the park and return to a familiar place of residence, sleep in my own bed, eat when I was hungry and spend the evening laughing as I relished the company of those I am closest to.

Tomorrow we will be opening our home to the young man I took fishing last week.  Tonight we made his stocking (and Elishba’s too) and wrapped his presents.   For him this will be his first ever family celebration of Christmas.  He grew up not knowing the love, support and joy of family.   I hope that what he will truly see is the family of God in all of its fullness.

I hope you have a Christ filled Christmas.