Today I received a number of testimonies from Kenya and Uganda that are overwhelming and humbling. Once again I am awestruck, how God can use an ordinary man like me as His instrument to do only that which He can do. I have seen some of these types of things before on my visits to India; however, the Lord did things in Africa that I had never even imagined.
As seems to always be the case, I find myself yearning for more. Why does the anointing of God seem so strong when I’m overseas and almost non-existent at times when I am here? The people of Corpus Christi need the touch of Christ just as desperately as the people of Kitale, Bukwo, Kapchesoy, Madurai or Chennai. The only answer I seem to come away with is a spirit of unbelief. It is said in scripture that when Jesus returned to His hometown, He was able to perform only a few miracles….the problem unbelief.
Our city, our state, our nation all desperately need the life altering touch of Jesus…what must change in me to be used the same way here that I am used overseas?