- 4th January 2013-Arrival at Eldoret Airport
- Travel to Kitale
- 5th Jan 2013-Travel to Uganda by road.
- Time-12pm arrive 2pm
- Uganda wildlife Authority Guest House.
6th Sunday services:(More than 5 denominational churches coming together)
- Rev Carl Willis-Speaking in the joined Assembly of P.C.M (Perfection churches and ministries) – Location to be identified.
- Pastor Scott-Speaking in the Assembly of B.O.C (Body of Christ Churches)- Location to be identified
- Brother Nathanael-Speaking in the Assembly of A.G (Uganda Assemblies of God Church)-Location to be identified
Time:10am to 1pm (All assemblies)
7th Monday:
- Mission tour to visit church planting work of Redeemer Bible School among the pokot community in the lower region of Bukwo District.
- Visit Ng’eng’e Manyatta ( pokot homestead)
- Ngangata Manyatta (Homestead)
- Kriki Manyatta (homestead)
Time:10Am to 4Pm
8th to 10th Thursday:
- Annual Youth Conference 2013
Time:10Am to 5pm
Time:7Pm to 10Pm-Revival meetings
Venue-Chesower Secondary school.
11th Friday:
- Government leaders and Christian leaders’ seminar.
Time 10am to 1pm
Venue-Local Government Hall-Bukwo town
12th Saturday
- Speaking to Redeemer Bible School old students both certificate and diploma classes (2007-2011).
Time:10Am to 2pm
Venue- Local Government Hall-Bukwo town
13th Sunday service-At P.A.G (Pentecostal Assemblies of God)
Time:10pm to 1pm
- 13th Sunday evening-Leave Uganda
Time:3pm arrive at 5pm Kitale
14th Monday January 2013
- Pastors Conference in Marakwet
- Location-Kapcherop AIC Church (African Inland Church)
- Time:10Am to 4Pm
16th January 2012 -Conference-Hosted by Apostle Adams
- General conference
Location-Sinendeet Full Gospel Church
Time:10Am to 4Pm (every day)
17th January 2013 Thursday-Leave for Eldoret
18th to 20th (Friday to Sunday) Conference Hosted by Pastor Margaret Maheri
18th January – Morning 10.00 – 12.00 p.m. Fellowship at Pastor Margaret’s Residence
18th January – 4.00 p.m – 6.00 p.m Speak to Christian Union Students at Rift Valley Technical Training Institute
19th January – 10.00 a.m – 1.00 p.m – Conference at Kosachei – Near Turbo
19th January – 4.00 p.m. – 6.00 p.m. – Revival meeting – Langas Church
20th January – 10.30 a.m – 12.30 p.m – Sunday Service – Langas Church