January 17, 2013 – Cultural Differences & Farewell to Kitale

Feeling like a king at the mzungu cafe

Feeling like a king at the mzungu cafe

Tuesday had been all about introducing others to our culture.  Yesterday demonstrated how different our cultures truly are.

Yesterday morning we were ready to go at 9AM.  Our driver John did not show up until nearly 10:30AM, taking us to breakfast at Adams’ home at around 11AM.  Once breakfast was over we found ourselves sitting around staring at the walls.  Adams left to go set up at the church for our 2PM meeting.   It wasn’t long before Scott, Nathanael and I grabbed out bags and headed down the road on foot, just to get out and move around.

2PM came and went with no one at the church.  Adams was embarrassed and discussed the differences between African time and mzungu time.  About 3:30 a small audience had formed and we got started.   I spoke from Mark 5 on the story of Jairus and the woman with the issue of blood.

When we were finished we returned to Adams’ house for the evening meal.  Adams was again apologetic about the service, but I explained to him that it wasn’t the late starting time that troubled us, it was the 6 hours of inactivity that was difficult for us.   It is interesting to see the American value of productivity in this setting.

This morning we met with Adams privately and discussed our thoughts and observations.  After our meeting we headed to his house for breakfast and we are now making our final visit to the mzungu cafe for a little downtime and souvenir shopping.

We will be leaving in about an hour and half for Eldoret to put Scott and Nathanael on their flight to Nairobi and then on to the U.S..  I will be conducting meetings over the weekend and meeting Horace and Phyllis Leister, who run the Tumaini Childrens Home in Eldoret.  The Leisters are the parents of Jake Leister, one of the elders at my home church, 4CI.


After arriving in Eldoret, we dropped Scott and Nathanael off for their flight and headed to Rift Valley Techincal Training Institute where I spoke to the Christian Students Union. I discussed the importance of standing firm and avoiding compromise in an increasingly hostile world.

After speaking to the students we headed to the slum area of Langas where Pastor Maheri has started a new work.  Langas is the type of third world slum you see in pictures on television.  Nothing but garbage everywhere.  Children playing in garbage heaps with raw sewage running all around their feet.   The road is littered with drinking establishments that serve alcohol made in crude stills throughout the area.  In the midst of all of this is a mosque that dwarfs the other buildings in the area.

It was getting dark, so I was unable to preach from my Bible.  I opted instead to talk about the call for such a church.   I will be speaking in this same location over the next 3 days as well.

Tonight I met Jake’s dad and was then introduced to my host, Pastor Nimrod Musau the Bishop and Administrator for Faith Ministries East Africa.  Pastor Nimrod also leads an equipping ministry that trains pastors and leaders throughout East Africa.  Tonight we had great conversation talking about the challenges facing the churches in this region.  Our conclusions were identical.

Tomorrow I am speaking at a pastor’s luncheon and then will return to Langas for an evening meeting.

January 15, 2013 – Culture and Leadership At The Muzungu Cafe

Adams enjoys a frothy latte at the mazungu cafe

Adams enjoys a frothy latte at the mazungu cafe

We originally going to speak at the Kitale prison today, but the warden called Adams yesterday and demanded that since muzungus were coming we needed to buy soap and other gifts for the prisoners.  Needless to say we declined.   This was my third attempt to speak at the prison in the last 3 1/2 years, so it is becoming apparent that perhaps God does not want me speaking there.

Scott and Nathanael decided to use today to pray and develop a plan for their mission trip this summer.   I used the time to pick up some deodorant and toothpaste, plus I wanted to help John Juma find some leadership material.  We visited a couple of bookstores and I was able to find 2 of the books that I wanted to purchase for him.  John was very grateful.   Afterwards I took him, Pastor Joshua from Uganda and Adams to the muzungu cafe for some cultural exchange.  I ordered a mocha latte for each of them for starters.  From there we progressed to corn chips with guacamole and salsa.

During our time together we discussed at great length the importance of leadership within the church.  Adams and I also discussed that my future visits need to be more about private times with a group of 6-7 leaders for a period of 2-3 days at a time, instead of speaking to large conferences.  We also agreed that we would begin conferencing online with one another on a monthly basis to flesh out the principles that these leaders are learning and applying.

Tomorrow we will be speaking in a conference with Adams’ church.  Scott and Nathanael are already looking towards the U.S. as they will be departing on Thursday.

January 14, 2013 – Up to the Mountains

Students at Yakatoi Primary School in Marakwet, Kenya

Students at Yakatoi Primary School in Marakwet, Kenya

Today we split the team up.  Nathanael and Scott remained in Kitale to explore project options with John Juma and Apostle Adams.   I went with Benson (an elder in Adams’ church) to Marakwet, approximately 45 KM from Kitale.

On our way out of town, Benson and I picked up Pastor Kaptoi, the pastor of the African Inland Church in Marakwet.   We made our way into the mountains making our first stop at the Yakatoi Primary School.  As soon as the 600 students begin hearing that a “muzungu” was in the car, we were swarmed.   After the teachers got the students corralled, I spent a few moments with the faculty and principal.   They found it amazing that we could not discuss God or the Bible in our schools.  After praying with them I spoke for about 10 minutes with the students, prior to their dismissal at lunch.

From there we left with a 600 child entourage surrounding the car, and made our way to the home of Pastor Kaptoi’s mother for lunch.  Some of the adults eating lunch with me refused to wash their hands, because they didn’t want to wash after shaking a muzungus hand.  Lunch consisted of black posho made from millet, white posho made from corn, greens, chapatti and peas.  I was also given fresh milk and yogurt (sour milk).  Needless to say I only took one sip of the sour milk to be courteous.

After lunch, we made our way to the Church of Christ, where I led the leaders through 1 Kings 19 and talked about how to deal with discouragement in the ministry.   When I was finished we spent time praying together.  After the conference we looked at the new building that both the Church of Christ and AIC church were building.  We took pictures and then returned to Pastor Kaptoi’s mother’s house for tea.

As we left we gave a ride to one of the church leaders, who shared with us that she was getting ready to quit her ministry due to discouragement.  She said that my message was sent to renew her strength and that she had renewed her commitment to press forward.

Upon my return to Kitale we ate dinner and discussed Scott and Nathanael’s activities for the day and our schedule for tomorrow.

January 4, 2013 – Arrival in Kenya

arrival in Eldoret

Arrival in Eldoret

We arrived in Kenya at about 6:30 AM.  After clearing customs we went to the domestic terminal at Jomo Kenyatta to check in for our 2:30 PM domestic flight.   We were told that that we would not be permitted to check in until 1 PM, so we sat in a waiting room until then.   None of us had slept more than an hour or two on the flight to Nairobi, so our weariness was beginning to catch up to us.

We finally departed Nairobi and flew to Eldoret on a turbo prop.  This flight included a screaming child who screamed almost 30 minutes of the 45 minute flight.   Fortunately we were all tired enough we slept through the majority of it.   We arrived in Eldoret around 3:20 PM, where we were greeted by Adams, Mary and Judah, who presented us with flowers.  We were also met there by Pastor Margaret Maheri and a small group accompanying her.  Finally we met up with John Juma, a great friend and pastor who is also in my opinion the best driver in all of Africa.

Once we departed the airport we went to Pastor Margaret’s house for tea and fellowship.  Pastor Margaret and her sister blessed us with their hospitality.  We also met several pastors while we there.   Once we had finished our tea we started on the road to Kitale.  About 20 minutes into the trip, Scott realized his passport was missing and we made a frantic search of the van and his baggage to find it.  Unfortunately his passport could not be found, so we returned to Eldoret airport to ask for assistance.  About 10 PM we headed towards Kitale once again.  All of us were now so tired that our bodies were beginning to hurt.

When we arrived in Kitale we stopped for a quick meal and made our way to the African Theological Seminary where we were staying.   Each of us was thrilled to be going to bed, we had only slept 3-4 hours out of 52 hours of travel.

Africa Trip Itinerary – January 2013

  1. 4th January 2013-Arrival at Eldoret Airport
    1. Travel to Kitale       
  2. 5th Jan 2013-Travel to Uganda by road.
    1. Time-12pm arrive 2pm
    2. Uganda wildlife Authority Guest House.


6th Sunday services:(More than 5  denominational churches coming together)

  • Rev Carl Willis-Speaking in the joined Assembly of P.C.M (Perfection churches and ministries) – Location to be identified.
  • Pastor Scott-Speaking in the Assembly of B.O.C (Body of Christ Churches)- Location to be identified
  • Brother Nathanael-Speaking in the Assembly of A.G (Uganda Assemblies of God Church)-Location to be identified

Time:10am to 1pm (All assemblies)      

7th Monday:

  • Mission tour to visit church planting work of Redeemer Bible School among the pokot community in the lower region of Bukwo District.
  • Visit Ng’eng’e Manyatta ( pokot homestead)
  • Ngangata Manyatta (Homestead)
  • Kriki Manyatta (homestead)

Time:10Am to 4Pm

8th to 10th Thursday:

  • Annual Youth Conference 2013

Time:10Am to 5pm

Time:7Pm to 10Pm-Revival meetings

Venue-Chesower Secondary school.      

11th Friday:

  • Government leaders and Christian leaders’ seminar.

Time 10am to 1pm

Venue-Local Government Hall-Bukwo town

12th   Saturday

  • Speaking to Redeemer Bible School old students both certificate and diploma classes (2007-2011).

Time:10Am to 2pm

Venue- Local Government Hall-Bukwo town

13th Sunday service-At  P.A.G (Pentecostal Assemblies of God)

Time:10pm to 1pm

  • 13th Sunday evening-Leave Uganda

Time:3pm arrive at 5pm Kitale


14th Monday January 2013

  • Pastors Conference in Marakwet
  • Location-Kapcherop AIC Church (African Inland Church)
  • Time:10Am to 4Pm

16th January 2012 -Conference-Hosted by Apostle Adams

  • General conference

Location-Sinendeet Full Gospel Church

Time:10Am to 4Pm (every day)

17th January 2013 Thursday-Leave for Eldoret

18th to 20th (Friday to Sunday) Conference Hosted by Pastor Margaret Maheri

18th January –  Morning 10.00 –  12.00 p.m. Fellowship at Pastor Margaret’s Residence

18th January – 4.00 p.m – 6.00 p.m Speak to Christian Union Students at Rift Valley Technical Training Institute

19th January –  10.00 a.m – 1.00 p.m – Conference at Kosachei – Near Turbo

19th January –  4.00 p.m.  – 6.00 p.m. – Revival meeting – Langas Church

20th January – 10.30 a.m – 12.30 p.m – Sunday Service – Langas Church