Madurai – Day 2

Today we began with a monthly pastors meeting with about 200 people in attendance.   A local pastor was the first to speak and he spoke on taking “your” limitations off of God.  This pastor was very energetic and animated, engaging the group as he spoke.  As he was speaking Tom showed me his message notes for the day.  He was also going to speak on taking “your” limitations off of God.  

When Tom finished speaking, I was given 10 minutes to conclude.  I challenged the group to move from “amen” to “action.”   I gave an invitation for them to commit to removing the barriers that were preventing God from using them corporately to redeem this city. 

Tonight we did another open air crusade.  Tom took a new step and preached without notes or a manuscript (which he normally uses).  It was a great message about life changing encounters with Jesus.  When the invitation was given many came forward.  We spent 30-45 minutes praying with the people for their needs.  

This is our last evening with Tom as he will be flying back to Canada tomorrow evening to be home for a few days before leaving on his next speaking trip.  He and I have begun to develop a good friendship and I hope that God will continue to build our relationship and dialogue in the days to come.

Tomorrow we are speaking to a group of pastors and church leaders at Pastor Paul’s church.  He has advertised that we will be speaking on end times prophecy (good thing Tom has his Blackaby Study Bible with him).  Tom is going to speak on the first 3 chapters of Revelation, discussing Jesus examination of His church.  I will be speaking on God’s judgment and grace.

Later this week I will be ministering in a leper colony and speaking in the cities Dindigal and Tirchy, where I have spoken previously.

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