Sunday recap

We were joined yesterday by two representatives from Burn 24/7.  We are hosting September’s Burn this weekend, so they were here to scope out building and neighborhood.   This was a very moving experience for both of them.  I wanted to share with your Rachel’s thoughts to her email list:

Good evening CC Burning Ones!

This morning I visited Simplicity Church- where we will be holding Burn CC this month. I was left utterly broken. Last month someone told me, “your feet will go to dark places” I never imagined that would mean I’d be taking the Burn too!
Simplicity Church is located right across the street from a gay bar where the rainbow flag hangs proudly, its down the street from the abortion clinic and its passed by many lonely travelers- all walking alone- all holding baggage (physically and spiritually). With an open door and a bright orange water cooler with the words “compliments of Jesus Christ” boldly written these few hold church every Sunday morning. Oftentimes people wander in- stare and leave or ask for prayer. Inside little kids sing along their parents and even ask questions and pray for prayer requests during the service. While we read I watched a Dad give his son a bottle and let the little boy fall asleep on his chest.

And the entire time the Lord was speaking to me-
His banner will hang higher than any of the enemy’s flags.
AND His banner over us- over everyone is LOVE!

Hearing the simple prayers and the sweet off-key voices of children made me cry with sweet happiness and I was reminded why the Lord loves these “little ones” who wisdom and faith and trust is SSSOOO much greater than mine!

I believe its pivotal that’s we’re here.
That we are lifting up praises and going to impact the atmosphere!
That our praises will tear down this wall that this church has been coming up against.
That we will raise the banner of Jesus Christ over that area and light a lamp in the darkness- and see His people saved and set free- He will “see the reward for which He was slain.”
Please everyone be in prayer.

“Gird yourselves- consecrate yourselves… for tomorrow the Lord will do increasingly wonderful things!!”
Worshipers- soak up His oil in your secret place- because it will be lit on fire this weekend.
And remember in our intimacy we have victory- it is in this place that we are given our boldness- our words- our strategies- our battle orders.

Also please be cautious-
this is not a safe neighborhood- no one walk anywhere alone- please watch your surroundings. Use caution and be wise.

And please be in prayer for this church-
pray for fiances, for co-laborers and “arm- holders” to share the load, for strength and endurance to keep plowing this land, for walls to be broken, and for the Lord to provide for all of their needs.
And if anyone would like to donate nonperishable food and bottles of water or articles of clothing, shower supplies, etc. (they pass these gifts out to many of the people that visit their church) I know it would bless them tremendously
During the morning and afternoon we met and prayed with Charlie, Everett (our first time to meet him), David and his friend (both believers in Christ), and Richard (I see him walking by almost daily).  Some of these men allowed us to pray with them.  Others shared lunch with us, since we were cooking out in the parking lot.   Each one was a reminder of how God wants to move in this neighborhood.
I am still struggling to get airfare together for India, even though I leave 3 weeks from today.  If you would like to help by contributing financially or even donating frequent flier miles, please let us know.

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