Today my business partner and I met with the factory rep for the Spinner II product that his company sells. My business partner had asked me at the end of last week if I would change my relationship from that of a consultant to that of a key player in the company. He and I share the same vision of using commerce as a means of bringing Christ into the market place and furthering the ministry work of God’s kingdom.
I shared with him, that my concern was the same as with my own companies…I can see the future potential, but what do I do to pay today’s expenses. At that moment my friend said, “I meant to tell you I’m going to pay you the X dollars you need each month to make ends meet.” I asked him if we could stop right there and I expressed my gratitude to the Lord for His glorious provisions.
I taught Sunday on Jesus feeding the 5,000. As part of the teaching I talked about the need to look for the places that God is bringing order to the chaos of our circumstances. For example Jesus instructed the crowd to be seated, but then he had them divided into groups of 50 and 100. Jesus was bringing order to the chaos as he brought the miracle of the feeding into full view.
I have been watching the Lord bring order to my friend’s business for the past 3 months and have had a strong sense that we were about to see an amazing move of God in it. Today I am even more convinced that the hand of God will be unmistakable in the days to come. The Lord has been preparing me this week by having me study Gideon once again. Gideon was addressed by the Angel of the Lord as a “Mighty Warrior.” This title was not an accurate description of Gideon at that moment in time, but instead described the man God would transform him into.
The molding of this journey has been difficult, but the crucible is a place of refinement for the fulfilling of our God given purpose.