January 10, 2013

SANYO DIGITAL CAMERAToday we were scheduled to speak at a women’s conference in Chesower.  I had spoken in Chesower in 2010 and was looking forward to returning.  The conference had been going on since Tuesday, but our schedule had prevented us from participating up until now.  We could see clouds beginning to build, so we decided that only one of us would speak and we would head back before lunch.

Upon arrival we found the building to be filled with approximately 500 women.  I spoke on being a Proverbs 31 woman and the influence that a woman has on her home and community.  When we finished we headed back towards Suam.   On our way back we were stopped twice by Ugandan traffic police, which was the first time I had encountered any interactions with Ugandan police during my visits.

We spent the afternoon visiting with Apostle Adams about how Scott’s church could partner with his church in Kitale.  We decided that we will return to Kitale on Saturday afternoon instead of Sunday as we originally planned, so Scott and Nathanael can have additional time to explore Kitale as a mission focus for their church this summer.