Getting Used to My Skin

The Lord has been speaking to me about the call on my life for the past few years.   It is a big picture I can see, but I have trouble at times discerning the finer details and especially connecting the dots that move me fully into that role.  I

I was sharing with a friend today, that I have trouble seeing where the role of struggling entrepreneur on March 10, 2009 fits into the picture at the moment, but I know perseverence is the key.   There are times you wished that God’s vision came with Mapquest type instructions, but ultimately faith would never be built if it did.

The Lord has shown me the importance of tent making in my call, I just wish I was more adept at it.

Won’t You be….My Customer?

One of the things that keeps me busy these days is the business model I developed to run along side of my church planting ministry.   One of the values of Simplicity Church Network and the Simplicity Churches is that none of our staff members are paid.  We believe each of our ministers should be bi-vocational or self-supporting.

The idea behind Simplicity Solutions is creating a vehicle for commerce that works 24/7/365 to fuel the funding needs of the ministry and the financial provisions for the ministers who serve.   The profits from Simplicity Solutions will be redirected back into the church planting ministry and missions of Simplicity Church Network.  Pretty simple really!

So I’m asking you…imploring you….begging you….please, please, please stop by Simplicity Solutions Store on a regular basis.  Put a link to it in your emails, on your Facebook and Myspace pages.   Talk about it in your blog and link to it there.   Tell others…the tools are in place I just need good loyal customers like yourselves.


P.S.  Don’t forget these other Simplicity Solutions sites as well: